Breastfeeding Class
Well Rounded Momma helps you learn how to get off to the best possible start in feeding and nurturing your baby! Understanding proper positioning, knowing that your baby is getting enough milk, handling common concerns, and breast pump basics are covered in this 2-3 hour class. Getting ready, solving problems, positioning, latch, taking care of yourself, and weaning are all covered along with much more! These classes are open to all expecting moms (and their support people).

Newborn Care Class
Babies don’t come with instruction manuals…but parents do come with instincts! Reinforce your innate ability to help your newborn baby adjust to life outside the womb. Explore tips and techniques for soothing, swaddling, bathing, diapering, cord care, gas relief and temperature taking. Learn what items are essential to have on hand. Discuss options for sleeping arrangements (bed-sharing, co-sleepers, and cribs). This confidence boosting class offers a supportive and fun atmosphere in which to address concerns and questions about various aspects of parenting your new baby.

Birth Preparation
Birth can be a beautiful and amazing experience, but can also provoke a lot of anxiety and fear. This class helps you prepare for birth by educating on the changes that occur in the pelvis, positions to optimize optimize labor times and reduce risk of pelvic dysfunction and perineal tearing, and teach ways your birth partner(s) can help alleviate pain during the experience. Partners are welcome. Please wear comfortable clothes to practice in.
*This class is most beneficial when taken in your last trimester
Contact me directly to register. All deposits are non-refundable.
Dr. Alyssa Woo PT, DPT
Call or text 702-625-2308
Message and Follow @alyssawoo_pt on instagram

Optimizing Your Postpartum recovery
Postpartum rehab can be overwhelming especially with differing information on when it is appropriate to return to physical and sexual activity. Improper return to activity can lead to pelvic dysfunction, back pain, hip pain, etc. This class will Dispel myths and help you feel confident in your return to these activities as well as provide you with exercises safe to perform starting your first day postpartum.
*this class is most appropriate for those 35 weeks gestation to up to 2 weeks postpartum.
For a postpartum program tailored specifically to your needs please set up a physical therapy evaluation.
Contact me directly to register. All deposits are non-refundable.
Dr. Alyssa Woo PT, DPT
Call or text 702-625-2308
Message and Follow @alyssawoo_pt on instagram

Birth Preparation
Birth can be a beautiful and amazing experience, but can also provoke a lot of anxiety and fear. This class helps you prepare for birth by educating on the changes that occur in the pelvis, positions to optimize optimize labor times and reduce risk of pelvic dysfunction and perineal tearing, and teach ways your birth partner(s) can help alleviate pain during the experience. Partners are welcome. Please wear comfortable clothes to practice in.
*This class is most beneficial when taken in your last trimester
Contact me directly to register. All deposits are non-refundable.
Dr. Alyssa Woo PT, DPT
Call or text 702-625-2308
Message and Follow @alyssawoo_pt on instagram